Real Lives,
Real Choices
Everyone in Massachusetts who qualifies for support from the Department of Developmental Services should have transparent, straightforward access to their funding. And they should be able to use it in the way that they determine is best. That’s what the law promises, and that’s what we want to help people achieve.
Tens of thousands of families are eligible for disability services that are personalized and self-directed through the Massachusetts Real Lives law, but relatively few take full advantage of those opportunities. The Coalition for Real Lives Massachusetts is here to make it easier for families that include people with disabilities to get the services they choose. We want to make sure that the commonwealth follows through on fully implementing the Real Lives law and sets policies that make it easy to use and equitable.

Real Lives means
Self-determination is at the core of the Real Lives law – meaning that the person receiving services is “given control of the decision-making process for [their] supports or services and budget” and that they “may tailor the support to meet [their] needs.” That language comes right from the law itself. Put more simply, everyone eligible for disability-related services has the option to decide what services they need, rather than being limited to traditional standardized services provided through agencies contracted directly with the state.
That doesn’t mean traditional services are bad. They’re a good fit for many people and meet many families’ needs. But disability-related needs vary a lot. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for the whole community. In fact, the Real Lives law recognizes exactly that. Research shows that providing people with the option to self-direct some or all of their services drives better results. It improves many people’s quality of life and doesn’t cost more than traditional services.
By working together, we can help everyone make self-directed decisions that serve their needs. We can also ensure that the Real Lives law includes well-considered regulations and policies that provide families with clear, consistent, and equitable access to the services and supports they are eligible to receive.

Real Lives means
Thriving People
The Coalition for Real Lives Massachusetts focuses on:
Information – Sharing concise, actionable information on the Real Lives law and self-directed services, so people are able to make the best decisions for their families.
Advocacy – Empowering us collectively as we work toward broader changes in services from the Department of Developmental Services.
Community – Affirming that we’re all in this together and can help one another along the way.